The year 2020 was a pretty lame one for everyone across the planet – a Global Pandemic, it was the stuff of movies, in fact I was expectantly awaiting the first zombie to be reported on the news at any moment. Sadly, it didn’t come to that, so all my prepping was pointless!
But – it did give me and my partner Elin tons of time with our 4 kids throughout the lockdowns. Only trouble was that after 2 weeks we were all pulling our hair out and climbing the walls. So we put some thought into new ways of entertaining ourselves. Zombie Brains was born out of a desperation for entertainment, a need to bring the family together over a fun activity and my disappointment that there was no zombie apocalypse after all.
So 'Zombie Brains' started out as an idea in notepad – some rough ideas and sketches. We wanted it to be a family game suitable for all ages, and something that people could pick up pretty easily without having to learn loads of rules. The first drafts of the game were quite a bit different to how ZOMBIE BRAINS ended up - we started out with Zombies and Zombie Hunters, but the rules started spiralling out of control and far from what we were trying to achieve with simplicity and playability. So we refined and revised and eventually landed on the concept of fun and interesting zombie characters trying to get that illusive brain.
Next stage was testing, getting a playable version made so we could test the playability and design on the unsuspecting public. We got some great feedback here and actually made a couple of changes to the rules which we think were awesome (special shout out to #Jamie-super-testerer)!